Maria $30
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I live, I’m from Santiago del Estero, Añatuya, I live in Buenos Aires. Apparently I have two sons. They’re okay, thank God. Here I’m seeing a man who we didn’t know before. My sons met him in the street. He’s a very good person who looks after my sons really good. My sons look after him as well. He’s a really, but a really good person. I have no problem in receiving him at home, anytime. I’m a very humble person. Of course he is aware of that. I’m really grateful that he met us. Really, but really grateful. I thank him a lot.
That’s all for now, I’m going to tell you a story. It’s a dream I had. I had an accident when I was travelling in a bus with a cousin. I ended up in hospital, being badly injured. I recovered, thank God. But, when I woke up, I was in a wilderness. It was wilderness, wilderness, wilderness. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to stand up. That was a very important dream I had. I thought I’d never come back from where I was, but it wasn’t like that. I was in my bed, in ...

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